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The Apostolic Women Arising conference was held in the Irving, near DFW airport on June 14 – 17. God does use these conferences to give a word to His church on biblical womanhood. AWA began with mentoring sessions on Wednesday with the full conference beginning Thursday evening. Lee Grady, who was scheduled to speak, was sidelined by a ruptured appendix.  He is doing fine and was able to attend the AWA conference in Seattle the following week.  Tapes of the main conference may be ordered from International Breakthrough Ministries by calling 972-870-0208.

Barbara Wentroble, the Convener, shared that all of us must learn how to balance family and ministry. Transition often requires us to do things a different way in the seasons of our life, for example. In today’s society, she said, we must honor biblical principles above traditions even generational traditions. Partnership in marriage and family causes us to learn to share rather than divide into women’s work vs. a man’s job. We must learn to function together. In her second presentation, Barbara spoke about the apostolic spirit. Using the book of Ruth as an example, she told us. Moab means “land of ease,” and even today we are always looking for a place of ease. However, if we move from the place God ordained for us, death will come to us as surely as it came to the Elimelech and his two sons. The main idea is for us to sense a sound—a new sound to break into a new season. Apostolic people sense a sound before they see a manifestation. Although she departed from the place where she was, restoration was granted to Naomi. Barbara believes the prodigals are coming home leading to a revival among our youth.

Later on, Barbara shared a powerful message on submission, stressing that only the Lord can demand your submission. “Obedience” is never used in the context of a Christian marriage and the husband/wife role. Submission to be valid must always be from a spirit of willingness, never forced, compulsory, or demanding and never compromising principle or conscience. Also included in submission is the principle of mutuality in order to release the power of the Spirit when the Body is gathered. Many today find their security, authority and fulfillment from maintaining a position of authority, not from serving. Watch for a transcription of this excellent message in “What’s New” on the GWTW website. Should you desire to read what’s presently up entitled “The Lord’s Tsunami,” take a look at http://www.godswordtowomen.org/wentroble.htm

Chuck Pierce, Glory of Zion International Ministries, launched the mentoring sessions by challenging us to look closely at how Jews, the prophetic, and women are treated. Then, we can see how strongly the antichrist spirit is functioning in any of these three areas. He emphasized that we were in the last two years of a 7-year war that will be intense as women are being released. He challenged us to take our place, know our calling and maintain a relationship with God that goes beyond our “spot” or place. God is restoring the desire for Him above all and causing woman to walk hand-in-hand with man. See Chapter 9, “Women Arising Now,” of The Future War of the Church. In his second address, “Keys for the Future,” Chuck said to expect war as women arise and move into their destiny. While pointing out the critical nature of the next two years, Chuck challenged us to be like Jael and stake our claim by driving our tent peg through the head of those things that would keep us from our future.

Naomi Dowdy said that mentoring is not something you do to, but with people and that it is an impartation of values, perspectives--life. She enumerated the characteristics of a mentor—1) integrity 2) leads by showing others and by taking responsibility. She emphasized the need to push to stay ahead of our peers. 3) creates inspiration through real, not theoretical, experiences with God, 4) knows how to have fun--fun in who you are, not in what you do. Personally, we prefer disciple rather than mentor, but Naomi defined discipling as a 24-hour-a-day process where mentoring was not as time intensive.

Naomi also spoke on the “God of the Turnarounds” and used the illustration of Moses wherein she stated that the greater the assignment, the greater the preparation time. Ever emphasizing, though, she said that with God no time is lost. Suddenly, God appeared in a burning bush and reminded Moses of His original call, intention, and purposes. In the aftermath, Moses’ life turned around.

Jim Hodges offered some unique perspectives on “First Ladies.” He said the Body of Christ needs a transition team to return us to Genesis 1:27-28. The “first ladies” or “lady leaders” to whom he referred are the women in the book of Acts where the beginnings of the church are marked. He challenged us to master what the church did in its infancy in order to gain the ability to master the maturity needed before He returns. Then, he launched into the Pentecostal pattern found in the book of Acts and the women involved. Hodges said the Holy Spirit has come to connect and reconnect ethnicities, ministries, generations, genders and to give us heaven’s pattern for earth.

Indri Guatauma spoke on marketplace ministries, using her own church’s philosophy as an example where every member is a leader. She said Christianity is most effective in the marketplace—outside church walls. Life is meaningful when the Lord is ALL; life is having fun with God! Just being religious, “Sunday Christians,” has no reality. Later, in speaking about the raising up of the new generation, Indri said that in three to five years, the one-man pastor would be a thing of the past. Leaders must train potential leaders to be released. Importantly, we must recognize that God is not moved by our tears or need, but by our faith. Indri said the church is not strong today because it doesn’t honor covenant. Marriage is a covenant.

Robert Heidler shared about Deborah, God’s Warrior Woman, who was a female version of David. He said today is the Day of Restoration when God is restoring men and women to their place in His army. Then, Heidler told about the different women in the New Testament and how God used them. He said Satan has convinced Christians to believe a lie by distorting I. Timothy 2:12 and I Corinthians 14:34-35. The truth about both of these key scriptures is thoroughly dealt with on the GWTW website.

Finally, Heidler told about God’s plan for mankind, beginning with Genesis 1:28. The complete revelation of God is required for the complete vision of who God is. Then, he talked about the Heart of God that has characteristics shown in the natural realm through both fathers and mothers. God gave us mothers to show us part of what he is like. God gives mothers to be a reflection of His own heart and nature, the source of all mothering. He reminded us that what our mothers weren’t able to give us, we can receive directly from God.

The conference ended with Naomi Dowdy calling us to claim our promises. Becoming comfortable in what we’re doing is possible by the word the Lord has given us. She reminded us of the power of a vision and challenged us to claim His promises, not forgetting the words that have been given us which we know were from God. Unfulfilled prophetic words spoken over every one of us are still in the heavenlies and need but to be reclaimed. How? By simply taking them off the shelf and reading, recalling and praying about them. Then stake a claim and call that Word into the NOW!

We must renew our covenant commitment to God and His Word. What God said will surely come to pass. Dare to claim God’s promises and our destiny. God won’t do it for us. We’re in partnership with Him. He wants evangelism to move from an event to a priesthood. Obey Him and go beyond what others do. Remember, provision comes when we are willing to risk.

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